Monday 1 November 2010

Monday is the hardest word

Today is Monday , November 1st , outside its cold, damp and a little dark. My mood is a little dark and a bit damp. Halloween is over and I've still got a bloody pumpkin in my window the size of Pluto. With the passing of Halloween the bastard thing is now uglier than before, its not even orange its a beige colour and looks like something from a 1950's Sci Fi horror movie that any moment is going to hatch into a brain sucking alien. Amazing how past it everything looks one minute after midnight.
Im bloody cold, need to stop eating or Im going to end up fat, diabetic walking with a stick. If I end up having to where polar fleece and jog pants somebody shoot me.
Door opens , no bell yet, in comes the nice old man that lives in the village caring for his wife of a lifetime. Nice man calls me babe , I assume because he spends all day by his wifes bedside and calls her babe , Im not even here to him he's thinking of his wife. A loaf of bread, some spuds and an extra butter just in case. His daughters over for lunch, she's not fond of sprouts so no need for any today. Nice man, a cook, a Captain and now a carer,happy to sit by his beloved wife all day long in front of the fire holding her hand. He tells me he had a funny turn last Thursday, worry all over his face. Just like my grandad.
A delivery arrives so off he goes, "see you babe", I watch him walk up the street careful to cross the road. Good lad see you tomorrow.

Busy day for a Monday, regulars gone, thank fuck. No school kids today still half term, shame , I'm missing my yummy mums
Can someone please tell me why the fuck every time I put the cheese away someone comes in and asks for a cheese roll. And why when the ham is sat on the slicer they always want cheese. I throw half a tomato away and the next customers wants tomato , i got cucumber they want tomato. And before you say it even when I prepare and have lots of everything sliced up ready to go no one wants anything .

2pm and its starting to get slow, soon it'll be dark my first winters evening, will I suffer from light depravation, by March will I have big nocturnal eyes and translucent skin , probably not.

Today feels like Im a kid again off school while everyone is at work, silent .

Postman arrives 2 bills and a cheque book, how poetic is that?

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